Take a piece of Grain.
Hold it in your hand.
Try to hold it using your thumb and index finger.
Observe the grain.
How does it feel?
Observe how small that grain is.
Now try imagining over two hundred thousand pieces of grain laying on a flat surface.
Toss your grain into that pile.
Can you still see your grain?
Does your grain still exist?
Are you sure?
Half of half of half of that grain represents your life over the entire lifespan that we’ve known man kind to have existed (over two hundred thousand years). That’s how short life is. That’s how short your life is.
We only get a small tiny window to inhale and exhale oxygen here on earth. After a while, we too shall pass. I often think about death, I think about it and realize that at 37, I’m probably already half way through my life (if God willing). That soon, all of this will be over, it will all be gone, and whatever I have done or have will just simply pass. It gives me that weary compressed feeling in my heart that makes me want to see what else I can do, what else I should do, and where else I should go. It causes me to take an inventory of what I am as a human being and makes me question if this is the man I want to be. Is this the man I want the world to remember me by? Is this it or is there more?
I often think of life as some sort of a video game. I’m Super Mario except the game doesn’t come with three lives nor can I do anything “special” to get a hundred. I only get One. Just One. But just like the video game, for as long as Mario is still alive, there is still something else left for him to do, some castle he still needs to get to, some dragon he still needs to slay.
Where are you in your life today? Are you exactly where you need to be? Are you going somewhere? Have you ever thought of what your epitaph would say on the day you die? Have you figured out what your primary reason of existence is? I ask these questions because we don’t have much time left. We take things easily for granted and we get wrapped up on our daily routines. Taking the kids to school, going to work, preparing dinner, watching countless hours of tv, etc..There are so many things that can distract the human mind on a daily basis, things that takes us away from having the time to just take a step back and see where the hell are we going to begin with? What is this life all about? What is my life all about?
Is being a father or a mother to my kids and an employee to my work all I’m supposed to be? Is that it?
Most people live all their life never taking the time to asks these questions. They earn a living, provide for their family, and then they die. They let the distractions of life distract them. The routine takes over their daily actions and sooner or later they find themselves at their death bed not having realized their maximum potential. Most people argue that they don’t have time due to all of their responsibilities. They claim that they’re busy.
I think as life goes on and as we grow older, time should get slower (not faster). As we mature, we should be able to see what is really more important in life – our hectic schedules and routines or our life itself. Through the noise and chaos surrounding us, from the news, social media sites, radio and paper we forget how special we are. That our mere existence in itself is a miracle and we forget that we are MIRACLES. We therefore jug along life as if we are just average people doing average things versus living in the reality that we are SENSATIONAL. That we are ONE OF A KIND.
Did you know that on average a male ejaculation contains one hundred eighty million sperms? And did you know that out of that average of 180 Million, that it only takes ONE sperm to fertilize a woman’s egg? Just ONE. There were potentially one hundred seventy nine million nine hundred ninety nine thousand other sperm cells that could have lived your life. But no, it’s YOU. It’s YOU that was chosen to Live this Life.
I just want to encourage you today to look at where you are going. Look at what you are spending your time on. Where are you investing your hours, your thoughts, and most importantly, your actions? Where are the hours going? Be honest with yourself, be specific. And then ask yourself, are you doing something GREAT? Because you do realize that you are a Miracle right? You do see that I hope. That it could have been someone else in your place with your network, with your family, with your experiences, with your talents, skills and flaws but life, God or whatever you want to believe in gave it to YOU. So now, what are you going to do about this ONE life that you have? How are you going to make sure that your Grain is seen when all is said and done?
I hope and pray that this message helped you or helps someone that you know. I hope that YOU make it happen despite of the odds that you are facing right now. I pray that you push on through and never stop pursuing your dreams and when the time comes that you are feeling down, desperate or broken, that you come back to this site to get some direction and encouragement. Our Life is the most precious Gift that we have, I hope that in this second this becomes a deep realization for you and that it pushes you towards your Journey of maximizing your fullest potential not just towards your kids, family, or circle of friends, but towards the entire world around you. I believe in you, I believe in your God given talents, and I believe that this message will encrypt in you the desire to work on these talents and turn them into amazing skills.
Hello Hello Hello!