If we want to put an END to the mass shootings – who according to experts, there has been nearly 1 mass shooting per day since the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting from 2012 – we need to address the CORE of the problem – It’s not just Gun Control, we need MORAL CONTROLS.
The problem goes BEYOND establishing any sort of Gun Controls. In fact, having Gun Controls isn’t going to solve the problem. It may limit it to a certain extent, but it WON’T SOLVE THE CORE OF THE ISSUE.
Friends, we need to WAKE UP.
The core issue is the fact that in our nation today, a child that is fresh out of the womb has no guaranteed source of Good Moral Values. Think about it, as a child, how are we guaranteeing as a Nation that he or she will have Good Morals?
We are set up in a way where we leave it up to “luck”, “chance” or “hope”. Most of people’s morality come from 3 main sources: Parents, Religion, and or Friends.
We’ll if you’re like me, then your shit out of luck! My parents have probably one of the worst parenting skills I have ever seen. My dad is on his fifth or sixth wife (no one really knows) and my mom is a lady that has her focus on let’s just say other things than parenting.
Again, if you’re like me, then your SOL! Religion often annoys a child at some point of their life because of the “rule based” atmosphere that it has. That’s what happened to me and that’s probably what’s going to happen to most kids that grow up under religion (if they even have religion to begin with).
The surroundings of where a child is born dictates a lot regarding the child’s set of Moral Values.
But think about it though, if you have shitty parents – what are the chances of you having religion in your life or a good environment surrounded by good friends and family members? It is more likely that if your parents were like mine, you’d grow up in a dysfunctional environment surrounded by chaos and problems.
As a nation, we need to look pass Religion, remove the boundaries of beliefs and decide to come together to figure out how we can provide a system of Moral Controls to all our citizens.
I know that sounds “grand” and “big” and “authoritarian” in nature – but it is needed. This discussion is needed. Otherwise, were like the rat inside that circular cage that keeps running doing the same exact shit but hoping to get a different result (never gonna happen).
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