Truth be told, this Coronavirus will end us.
But the Question is, WHY?
Why are we so far behind in dealing with this Virus?
Take a second to compare how we’ve been handling this issue against other countries: South Korea has been testing 15,000 people a day and have seen a total of 230,000 of its people. Compare that to us, where we’ve tested only about 11,000 in total. That’s a per capita rate of about 130 times lower than South Korea. This is important because the more you test, the more you get to see the spread of the epidemic and therefore, the more you’re able to make corrective actions to contain the issue and prevent it from spreading.
Singapore immediately created an App that can track everyone that has been quarantined and can detect everyone that’s been contacted by someone who has the virus.
Look at Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel managed to be able to speak freely and honestly that she believes 70 percent of Germans will be infected by the virus.
It proves the point, when we are not allowed to see and speak about the Truth, everything else fails. No matter how you sugar coat it, unless you are laying it out on the table front and center to be dealt with, in the absence of truth, no scientist or genius in the world can solve anything.
This is the dilemma we face with Trump. When I listen to his interviews, I hear a man who always finds someone else to blame. I hear a person who likes to criticize other people and entities even if the topic at hand has nothing to do with it (he’ll just squeeze in his criticisms anyway). And this, as annoying as it’s been to hear for the last 3 years may not have had any significant impact – until now.
When an Epidemic hits a country, it has a way of revealing the underlying truths about the leadership up top. The moment tragedy hits, we get to see the “real deal” if our leader has what it takes to drive us to success and get us out of the mess or not. Truth be told, we’ve known about the Coronavirus in our own homeland all the way back in January of this year but out of the president’s fear of losing the momentum for his upcoming elections, we chose not to do anything about it.
Helen Y. Chu, an infectious disease specialist in Seattle had a way of testing for the virus as she had been collecting nasal swabs from people in and around Seattle as part of a flu study, and she proposed checking them for the corona virus. The government rejected the idea but in February she couldn’t stand the nonsense anymore and performed the test anyway. They found the first case of coronavirus on a teenager that has never traveled outside the US before (proving the point that the virus is already here).
If Chu found this information a month earlier, a week sooner, or just a glimpse earlier – more lives may have been saved and the pandemonium may have been stopped.
We also know that the World Health Organization had a working test that the United States refused to use.
You see, the type of personality that Trump has is the one where it imposes a “threat” without requiring him to say or do much of anything. Because people across our government are afraid of getting fired, afraid of losing their jobs by simply disappointing the president. Just look at the slew of people he’s fired because of them testifying against him for what they believed was the honest truth during the probe against Russia.
In the absence of our ability to be able to speak the Truth (even when it hurts), destroys any chance we’ve got in being able to address the core of an issue.
This isn’t only true with our government today but is true even in our own daily lives. Our affiliation should never be for our own selves – wanting only what is good for us. Nor should it be for our own wives or husbands – wanting what we believe is good for them. Nor even to our own children – doing what we believe would secure their future. Or even to our own work – doing everything we can to make the most profits.
Our affiliation should always be with the Truth.
Even if it means that we may not get what we want, even if it means we may not make the most money, even if it means we may hurt our spouse’s feelings, or even if it means we may take a hit financially – TRUTH at all costs should always be upheld.
For in the absence of Truth, the only thing present is False.
False belief, false love and false security.
Until we can grow this affiliation and loyalty towards the Truth, our chances as a nation to rise above this turmoil diminishes. In the same token that people today are buying excessive amounts of toilet paper, bread, supplies and food – truth be told, it’s not an act to “protect” their family and loved ones, it’s an act of pure heartless self-centered Selfishness.
We’ve stopped caring for the person next to us, we’ve stopped caring for others. We’re so consumed by our own needs and own desires that in times of desperation, we clearly have forgotten how to stand as a nation of dignity, honor and pride.
We’ve become cowards.
Truth be told, hope rests on the people that can speak up and hold their Moral grounds in the face of people like Trump.
Truth be told, we can’t get bullied.
We must fall in love with the Truth and stand by it even when we’re alone in the fight, standing by the Truth is all that matters.
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